Phew! That was a close call — she nearly saw us!
喔,真险! 她差点看到我们.
——《简明英汉词典》You were just in time. Whew! What a close call.
柯林斯例句The car almost ran me over. It was a close call.
那辆汽车差点把我碾死, 真是死里逃生.
《简明英汉词典》Joe had a close call when his motorbike nearly collided with a lorry.
《简明英汉词典》That was a close call, the train nearly hit the car.
好险, 火车差一点就撞上那部车子.
辞典例句Whew ! That was a close call! I almost walked into a pole.
哇! 好险! 我差一点就撞到了一根柱子.
互联网That was a close call! We nearly hit that car.
真是好险 啊 ,我们差点撞着那辆汽车.
互联网We almost missed the train. That was a close call!
我们差一点就赶不上火车了. 真是好险 啊 !
互联网Dick: I heard you had a close call this morning.
迪克: 我听说你今天早上是千钧一发.
互联网And the answer is no . It's actually not even a close call.
互联网Bob, that car nearly hit us! What a close call.
包柏, 那辆车差一点就撞到我们了! 真是千钧一发.
互联网The bus almost ran him over. It was a close call.
那辆汽车差点把他碾死, 真可谓死里逃生.
互联网We had a close call on the freeway this morning.
互联网They will fall - but it is a close call.
欧元区利率将会下跌 —— 但这种可能性也不是特别大.
互联网It was a close call, but luckily enemy had had aim.
真是千钧一发, 不过,很幸运地,敌人找错了目标.
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